"Phoebe's Little Problem" is an episode in the Hey Arnold! TV Series.
Phoebe gets embarrassed after she farts into a microphone in front of a huge audience.
Phoebe is given a Perfect Attendance award at P.S. 118. After eating the whole tin box of Arnold's Grandma’s homemade prune cookies on the bus to school, she accidentally "cuts the cheese" into a microphone while accepting her award. Ironically, she vows never to return to school after facing such humiliation.
Mr. Simmons, Stinky, Rhonda, Arnold and Helga, among other offscreen classmates all try to cheer Phoebe up, but she feels even more embarrassed ever since Stinky said his poem's last line which was "On account'a y'farted." Eventually, Arnold tells Phoebe that she had to face her problem head-on.
Taking Arnold's advice, Phoebe gives a speech in the auditorium, acknowledging that she farted, but stating that she is not just "that girl who farted", and that she is "much more than that." After Phoebe finishes her speech, Harold stands up and begins teasing her saying shes a farter, but nobody else finds it funny anymore at this point, he ends up laughing so hard that he wets his pants. This incident takes the attention away from Phoebe and transfers it to Harold, and everyone including Arnold laugh at him, The episode ends with Phoebe leaning back in her seat, smiling, as the entire student body laughs at Harold while he runs out of the auditorium crying for his “Mommy”.
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