Hey Arnold Wiki
Hey Arnold Wiki


  • Friday night has been Checkers Night for Arnold and Gerald since they were 7 years old.
  • Quigley Stadium was built in the mid 1920s.
  • Arnold can skillfully sculpt shrubbery.
  • First episode featuring Mrs. Vitello's flower shop in detail.
    • A sign by the cash register reads "a flower a day -- chases the blues away".
    • One of the signs in the shop read "With ferns like these, who needs anemones".
    • The store has existed since Phil was a kid, as shown in the flashback.
      • Unlike the current flower shop (which is located across the street from the boarding house), the shop was located on the same side of Vine Street as the boarding house back in the 1920s, and it doesn't say it's a flower shop.
  • The blimp in Arnold's dream of the future says "Get a free Yahoo Soda with every beeper at Helga's Beepers".


  • This episode was first released for the very first time in the U.S. on July 28, 1998 as part of the "Partners" VHS tape.
  • On international broadcasts, this episode is paired with "Runaway Float", but in the US, it was first aired along with "Biosquare".
    • On Paramount+, this episode is listed with "Runaway Float", but this is an error, since "Biosquare" plays on it.

Story Analysis[]

  • During a dream sequence in this episode, Arnold imagines himself as an old man boarding the bus only to find Gerald sitting; the two begin to bicker. At the end of the sequence, a zombie-like version of Phil with shriveled up skin and demonic voice appears in the back of the bus to deliver a cryptic message to Arnold before having his jaw fall to the bus floor. This scene is commonly considered one of the more frightening and disturbing moments of Hey Arnold! by most fans.
  • Note: This episode contains a scene that may be considered racist by today's standards where Gerald attempts to help a stereotypical-looking Hasidic Jew, complete with a big nose.


  • Don't Be Bossy.
  • Don't Act Like your Better then others.
  • Forgive your friends and don't fight over with things that don't matter.