Hey Arnold Wiki
Hey Arnold Wiki
  • When we see the outside of the arcade, the banner in the window says "closing in 3 days", but in the arcade, Arnold and Gerald say that the neighborhood would be torn down in 2 days.
  • While the Tomato Incident happened in the Revolutionary War, Hillwood City is on the West Coast!
  • When Phil is telling Arnold about the Tomato incident, he says that the residents fought the British behind a barricade of upturned vegetable carts, but in the flashback, they're fighting from the top of the boarding house.
  • The ladder Helga uses to get down from the boarding house rooftop is not normally there. ("Helga Sleepwalks" and "Helga's Locket" do not have it.)
  • When Mr. Bailey is talking to Arnold and Gerald, the keys on his keyboard are small, but when he is searching for the document, they're bigger.
  • When Arnold and Gerald are outside the city coroner's house, there's a double door. But when they go in, it's a single door.
  • Arnold and Gerald don't move their mouths when they both say "Me." while inside Bridget's net.
  • At the beginning of the scene where Grandpa and the boarders discuss a plan in case Arnold and Gerald fail, the Scheckvision monitor says "00:14:04 until construction begins". At that point in time (the afternoon before the bulldozers arrive), there would be around 14 hours left, not 14 minutes.
  • When Vermicelli grabs the egg beater to attack Bob, there's an animation error on his shoulder.
  • Gerald's mouth doesn't move when he says "999..."
  • When Helga kisses Arnold, Arnold's hat falls off, but when it is falling down, Arnold is still wearing his hat.
  • When the 3D bus turns (after Murray is unconscious, and Arnold grabs the wheel), you can see that Arnold, Gerald, and Helga's silhouettes are a flat dark part of the 3D model.
  • In the scene when Nick Vermicelli blows up the overpass, he is seen with two criss-crossing bandages on his face in an "x" shape. But after Scheck yells at him to do it, he has only one bandage on his face.
  • When Grandma is on the roofs and jumps on the bulldozer, the camera scrolls too far to the right, as the entire right side of the screen has nothing but the overpass (which is not destroyed), and the rightmost overpass column clearly looks like it was supposed to be at the edge of the screen. This error likely came about due to the film's transition from 4:3 to 16:9.
  • After the bus crashes, Mr. Green's store says "Reen Meats".
  • When Helga happily moves her fist after Arnold gives her an "out" at the end of the movie, there's a layering error.
  • On the theatrical poster and DVD cover, Phoebe's sweater is colored yellow instead of blue. Along with that, Sid's jacket is a dark blue, his jeans have become brown pants and his beatle boots are completely black.
  • The evidence of the document or video tape may be inadmissible since Arnold and Gerald neither are proper authorities to search Future Tech nor have a warrant to search. However, even proper authorities searched with a warrant, Scheck would likely have shredded the document if they Scheck the authorities were coming (of whom Scheck might not know they were coming if the search was done discretely or if the judge gave a warrant for some kind of computer hack or phone tap). In this case, Scheck might get obstruction of justice.
    • However, Scheck is likely to be convicted if proven he had knowledge of this document and if the document had some kind of copy.