Hey Arnold Wiki
  • Helga wears her hair ribbon over her helmet.
  • The Johanssens once lived in an apartment on Hillcrest Street. They likely moved into their current house sometime before or after Timberly was born.
  • Martin tried, but failed, to teach Gerald how to ride a bike.
  • A little girl with a tricycle lives next to Arnold’s boarding house.
  • According to the Bikeathon announcer, this is the third time the Bikeathon has taken place.
  • Coincidentally, as Harold wrecks and cries "Mommy!" he lands in a store called Baby Town.
  • At one time, Helga used to believe in world peace.
  • Helga is the only kid who rides a bicycle without fastening the strap on their helmet. Not fastening your helmet is dangerous especially riding a bike at a high rate of speed.
  • Gerald riding at night without lights is not only dangerous, but it's also illegal.
  • After Arnold was teaching Gerald how to ride a bike, it appears that Gerald was not feeling confident about himself when he decided to give up. However, when he practiced riding his bike at night, he regained confidence about learning how to ride a bike.
  • Moral: Keep trying and never give up.