Nothing in this episode is said about Miss Slovak being sick.
This marks the first of many jokes regarding Arnold's mysterious lack of a last name.
The dinner that Miss Felter made is bread, caesar salad, chicken kiev, and a lemon pie.
Arnold Skelter shows up to Miss Felter's house wearing an almost identical outfit to Arnold's. He also appears to be carrying the same type of flowers Arnold gives Miss Felter earlier in the evening and says the same compliment about the table setting that Arnold said.
Production Notes[]
The side of Miss Felter's apartment building has a billboard for "Lowtwait Natural Waters". Steve Lowtwait is a layout designer for the show.
Cultural References[]
The poem Miss Felter recites in class is the last stanza in Matthew Arnold's "Dover Beach."
During recess when he’s reading love poems to Gerald about his crush on Miss Felter, Arnold recites "But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Miss Felter is the sun" from William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet.
It's the very same play that Arnold is in during the episode "School Play".
The blonde, mustached man in the car who Arnold mistakes for Miss Felter bares resemblance to wrestling legend and then WCW Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan prior to growing his black beard after he joined the NWO.